We’ve chosen a selection of laminators from a range of top brands. Each one boasts
high technology features to make your laminating jobs as fast and easy as possible!View all products in this offer
Lamination doesn't get any simpler. Ideal for the home or small office, the Fusion 1000L A3 Laminator guarantees perfect results at the flick of a switch, with a helpful green indicator light to signal it has warmed up and is ready for use. Stylish and compact for storage, the Fusion 1000L laminates a single document up to A3 size in under a minute using standard 2x75 micron pouches.
Warranty 1 or 2 years depending on model type. (please check on www.gbceurope.com for more information) For Warranty repairs of all types of GBC Laminators / Trimmers, please contact the Acco customer service team on 0844 209 8348 (Proof of Purchase / PO Number required)